Thursday, December 26, 2013

Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues: By The Hymen Of Olivia Newton-John!

Let's face it.  It was going to be exceptionally difficult to replicate the magic that the first Anchorman had.  Ten years later, these aren't characters anymore, they're caracatures.  So, writing them into a cohesive movie without it seeming like they were acting like the characters they used to be was going to be troubling from the start.  I had a few concerns going into it: re-used gags were going to fall short, they were going to over-use the Brick schtick, and Burgundy was going to come off as too pompous and annoying for any of us to like him anymore.

Thankfully, only one of my concerns came true.  They did re-use gags, but they amped up the comedy and weirdness that it was okay.  They did have Burgundy come off as pompous and annoying, but somehow it still made us like him.  However, they did over-use Brick and he was the least funny character in the film.  Him and his love interest were nothing short of terrible.  It was unfortunate because used sparingly could've generated way more laughs.  It's a funny film, it just doesn't have the magic of the first one.


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